Gregory R. Terra
Greg Terra grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma. In 1988, he graduated from the University of Oklahoma in Norman on a 3-year Army ROTC scholarship and was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. He then served as an active-duty U.S. Army officer for five years, was stationed in Korea, Hawaii, and Missouri, and attended two special operations schools. In 1993, he left active-duty and moved to College Station, TX to attend Texas A&M University and serve in the U.S. Army Reserve, where he was promoted to Captain. In 1996, he earned a Bachelor of Science from Texas A&M University before moving to Virginia Beach, VA to attend law and graduate schools at Regent University. In 2001, Greg earned a Juris Doctor and a Master of Arts in Political Management before moving to Austin to work at the Texas Capitol. From 2003 to late 2004, Greg worked as a prosecutor with the office of the Williamson County Attorney. In Jan. 2005, he resigned to open a criminal defense practice in Georgetown, Texas. Greg lives in Williamson County with his wife and daughters. In his spare time he enjoys running, travel, and backpacking, and he holds a Class-A skydiving license.
The Law Office of Gregory R. Terra, Attorney, 2005 – Present
Williamson County Attorney, Assistant County Attorney, 2003 – 2005
U.S. Army Reserve, Engineer Officer, 1993 – 1997
U.S. Army, Engineer Officer, 1989 – 1993
Juris Doctor in Law (2001)
Regent University School of Law
Regent University
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Master of Arts in Political Management (2001)
Robertson School of Government
Regent University
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Bachelor of Science in Political Science (1996)
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (1988)
University of Oklahoma
Norman, Oklahoma
Federal Bar Assoc. (Western District of Texas chapter), Licensed Attorney, 2011 – Present
The Supreme Court of Texas, Licensed Attorney, 2003 – Present
Williamson County Bar Assoc., Member, 2003 – Present
Areas Of Practice
- Most felony charges
- All misdemeanor charges
- Drugs
- Theft
- Assault
- Parole & Probation Violations